Spread the Word

If you agree that Lab Tests Online-UK is a helpful resource to patients and carers, please help spread the word. There are several ways you can do this:
Promotional Displays
We offer, free of charge, posters (A4 and A3 size), and cards that can be taken home. These cards are provided in packs of 50 and are designed to allow a doctor to tick off the tests prescribed so that the patient or carer can look them up online at home. Perfect for doctor's waiting rooms!
To order, please Contact Us through this web site. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and the number of displays needed.
Tell your colleagues about the site. Encourage your employer to notify its employees about the site in its employee health benefits newsletter. Email pages to friends. Tell your doctors about the site. Maybe they'd like to put a display in their waiting rooms?
Champions of Lab Tests Online-UK
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Social Media & Email
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and email are the electronic equivalents of word-of-mouth. Please share pages that you find helpful and that you think might be helpful to people you know. And if you choose to "follow" or "like" us, you can stay on top of new developments in testing and share them with your online community of family and friends.