Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in contacting Lab Tests Online-UK. We welcome your feedback about our website.
Lab Tests Online-UK is an educational website designed to provide patients and carers with information on laboratory tests used in medical care. We are not a laboratory and cannot provide any laboratory testing, results or medical advice.
If you are looking for your laboratory test results online, you will need to contact your GP surgery to find out whether they provide such service.
Please consult your doctor or the laboratory that performed the test(s) to obtain the reference range if you do not have the laboratory report.
We cannot advise on private testing and recommend that if you are having a private testing done it is via an accredited lab. Here is the list of accredited laboratories listed on the UKAS website.
Our Mailing Address
Lab Tests Online-UK
c/o Association for Laboratory Medicine
130-132 Tooley St