Highly recommended - AACC Lab Tests Online was reviewed in 2018 and given a "Highly Recommend" rating by HealthWeb Navigator, the web's leading source of health website reviews written by health professionals.

Since its launch in 2001, Lab Tests Online has been the proud recipient of a number of prestigious awards, recognizing the site for its peer-reviewed collection of articles on clinical laboratory tests and its dedication to improving health outcomes through literacy and patient engagement.
2018 Health Web Navigator - Highly Recommend
2018 Community Brands Innovation Award
2018 Hermes Creative Award
Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals. Winners were selected from 195 categories grouped under advertising, publications, marketing/branding, integrated marketing, public relations/communications, electronic media and pro bona. AACC Lab Tests Online was honored with the Hermes Gold Award.
2018 Communicators Award
Lab Tests Online was honored with the Communicators Award of Distinction - General Health Websites by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. With entries received from across the US and around the world, the Communicator Awards is the largest and most competitive awards program honoring creative excellence for communications professionals.
Digital Health Award
ASAE Power of Gold Award
In 2015, Lab Tests Online earned an ASAE Power of A Gold Award. ASAE's Power of A (association) Awards, the industry's highest honor, recognize the association community's valuable contributions on the local, national and global level. The Power of A Awards reward outstanding accomplishments of associations and industry professionals for their efforts to enrich lives, create a competitive workforce, prepare society for the future, drive innovation and make a better world.
Best Nursing Website
Communicator Award II
Communicator Award I
Lab Tests Online was among the recipients of the 2008 Communicators Awards by the International Academy of the Visual Arts. The Communicator Awards is the largest and most competitive awards program honoring the creative excellence for communications professionals. Entered in the Interactive category, Lab Tests Online was recognized with an Award of Distinction for the site's writing.
Health Improvement Institute's Award of Excellence
Dorland Healthcare Award
Diagnostic Marketing Association
Weekly Link Award
Outstanding Web Site Award- Web Marketing Association
Silver Award for Patient Education
Award of Excellence
Summit Awards
Gold Award for Best Health/Healthcare Content
Apex Award of Excellence